Monday, January 17, 2005

A reason to use Non-Toxic Cleaners

Written By: Kathy

Something happened Sunday that I'd like to tell you about.
I have been a Shaklee Distributor for 2 1/2 years now.Shaklee offers environmentally friendly household products (like cleanersand laundry products), gentle personal care products, and nutritionalsupplements that are clinically proven to support your health.

Our family switched our brands of cleaners, laundry, personal care products etc. because I heard about the "Shaklee Difference" and the non-toxicproducts they offered, and it made sense to me. We began using thenutritional supplements because I heard about our questionable food supply,the kinds of foods we eat and that we may not be getting all the nutrients our bodies need to stay healthy , and it made sense to me.

I want to do what is best for my family, and I believe that, by usingproducts that are non toxic and that build health, I will make a differencein the health and well being of my family. I have not been particularlyassertive in telling people what I believe because I have not wanted to beseen as pushy, or to have people think that I just want to sell them something.

Sunday, I was at a holiday party with my 2 sons, ages 6 and 3. There weremany people, and many children running up and down the stairs from thebasement to the kitchen between the games and snacks. Everyone was having a great time!

Suddenly, I heard my 6 year old screaming - screeching actually- in the way a panicked, scared and hurt child does. As he came running at me I could see him rubbing his red eyes and as he got closer I could smella strong pine scent. "My EYES!!! MY EYES" he screamed. I didn't know what happened but I knew that strong smell and knew that some type of pinecleaning-like liquid had gotten in his eyes.

We immediately took him to the bathroom and started flushing his eyes with water. The hostess called PoisonControl for me after they found the bottle of Pine Sol which had fallen down the stairs, opened and splashed all over him and into his eyes.

PoisonControl told us to give him a shower, flush his eyes for atleast15 minutes,wait another 30 minutes and call them back. When we came down from the shower 20 minutes later, most of the guests had left.

One family had a daughter with asthma and she couldn't be in the fumes. Windows were opened (mind you it was 35 degrees), fans were blowing the fumes (as well as the heat) out of the house, and the hostess was very concerned about my son. Certainly not how the hosts had planned theirbeautiful party to end.

My son is fine right now. He is a brave little boy and this was a "minor"incident considering he has had two major surgeries for a congenital heart condition. However, this kind of incident involving toxic cleaners is SO avoidable. There are alternatives.

I find it ironic that it was MY child who had this accident. Me, the one who has eliminated just these types of cleaners from her home. But this incidentdid give me a wake up call that I have not done my friends any service. I have not done a good enough job of informing peopl that they have other choiceswhen it comes to buying products for your family.

So now my mission for the new year is to let everyone know what it is I believe about the Shaklee products I use. I want you to know that there are SAFE product alternatives that are aseffective and most times less expensive per use than the products you may currently use.

I want you to know that my children have not had a major illness in over 2 and a half years and that because I have eliminated most chemicals from ourhome and I give them a little drink in the morning and 2 little grape things to chew during the day, that they have not been out of school due to sickness. I have not had to deal with throwing up, or diarrhea, ear infections or flus.

My hope would be that as you learn more about these things, that you will tell others so that together we can make a difference and things like this don't have to happen anymore.

If you are interested in learning more about our safe non-toxic cleaners please contact me at: and I will send you information on how to access a virtual "In Home Party" in the comfort of your own home via the world wide web.

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