Monday, June 20, 2005

Gardening with All Purpose H

Thank you Farmers wife, Mildred Smith, from ions ago – who says,

"Shaklee is not a business, but a way of life! "

For Tomatoes: 3oz of all purpose H w/ 1oz of Ligui-lea and 5 gallons of water – apply after planting

Trickler Systems – Flowers: 100 gallon systems – 18 oz of all purpose H w/4oz of Ligui-lea, mix w/ water - Apply twice a week

Spray Formula – Flowers: Mix ½ oz of all purpose H with 1oz of Liqui – lea and 3 gallons of water. Spray twice a week

Apple Scab – 1 quart all purpose H – 100 gallons of water. Spray apples as you would lime sulphur. Spray at pre - blossom and at petal fall, then every 15 days, for the best results.

Orange Groves: To clean irrigation lines: 2 7/8 gallons all purpose H to 90,000 gallons of water

Lawn Care: To increase water absorption 200%!! Buy an Ortho bottle. Fill this w/ all purpose H and hook to your hose. Continually spray your yard, don’t let it soak. Just go along your grass until it is gone. Fill again if it is necessary. Do this 4-5 times per year, beginning in April, making sure to also do it late in the summer

Grubs: 1 ½ quart H – ½ pint Barefoot's Germicide – 10-12 – gallons of water. Spray every 100 ft Use Ortho bottle or injector

Dandelions: 100 sq ft – Use Ortho Spryer or hose w/ valve sytem – 2 quarts of all purpose H – 1 bottle of Liqui-lea – ½ pint Barefoot's Germicide – Should be used with some form of liquid fertilizer. Apply twice a year

Weeds: pull a bucket per day – a sick lawn supports weeds – a healthy lawn does not support weeds.
Trees – nursery stock, seedlings, or seed beds: Mix 1oz of all purpose H with gallon of water. Spray on whole seedling and around entire trunk. Apply every 10 days.

Trees - 3-4 feet tall: Mix 1 quart of all purpose H with 8 quarts of Water. From this mixture, feed at the base of the tree 1 Cup of solution twice per day for the first day , then once a day until the solution is gone.

Trees - 4-8 ft tall: Mix 1 quart of all purpose H w/ 6 quarts of water. From this mixture, Feed at the base of the tree. Use 1 pint of the mixture twice a day for 2 days and then 1 pint thereafter until the mixture is gone. Feedings are of a mixed solution. Do this 3 times per year.

Trees – 8 ft an up: Mix 1 quart of all purpose H w/ 5 quarts of water. Feed one quart of the solution each day until the solution is gone. Do this twice a year.

Small Evergreens: Mix 1oz of all purpose H with gallon of water. Add 1 oz of liqui – lea for proper vitamin needs. Spray on whole seedling and around entire trunk. Apply every 10 days.

Evergreens: Add 8 oz of Liqui-lea to 8 ft an up Mix 1 quart of all purpose H w/ 5 quarts of water. Feed one quart of the solution each day until the solution is gone. Do this twice a year.

Lawn Shrubs and bushes: For any type of evergreen shrub use 1 teas all purpose H and 1 teas of Liqui-lea per gallon of water.

Hard wood shrubs and small trees: Use ½ oz all purpose H w/ 1 gallon of water. Spray once every 2 weeks or if insects appear.

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