A Testimony By: C. Whitus
Greeting here from the mountains in Tennessee. I wanted to send you my story about what the
Barefoot's Secret household cleaners have done for me like I said I would. So here it is.
I started with
Barefoot's Secret products after a serious rash spread accross my body. I honestly thought it was a type of poison oak until my family doctor sent me to a dermatologist. The dermatologist and I pin pointed when this started spreading, and I was upset to find that my favorite household cleaners were to blame.
I was told that by holding them in my arm to transport them from one bathroom to another was enough to get this going. I was given some medicine that did not seem to work very well. About this time my husband gave me the chance to make an order from the new business he started with
Barefoot's Secret Manufacturer. I thought long and hard and decided to give these new products a try.
I just new that I had to do something because I did not know if I would get to clean very well with water. I remember opening the box of
Barefoot's Secret cleaners and looking at the directions. I was impressed at the smell, the concentrated amount you needed to make up a gallon of cleaner. Things seemed to get clean faster and when I found out how long the germ killing power worked (germacide), I was hooked.
I had a improvement in my skin as well. I had a 50-60% improvement in the rash, color and feel of my skin in just two weeks of using
Barefoot's Secret cleaners. I went for a checkup about 1 1/2 weeks later and had over a 75% improvement. My doctor told me to keep it up because what I was using was working.
I am just so glad to know that the red cracked skin is gone, that I have smooth skin again. I have no patchy skin any more. The ruff texture is gone and I feel free.
I took over the business from my husband. I dont think he minds much! I just have to tell you that once you experience this type of feeling, it really is a powerful thing!
Order Barefoot's Secret Products Online HereEditors Note: To adhere with manufactures internet guidelines the manufactures name has be changed to "Barefoot Secret" to learn the manufacture just click on any of the Barefoot Secret links in this post.