Today Oprah will be featuring Global Warming 101 with Al Gore. As quoted from Oprah's website, "It's an urgent crisis we cannot ignore and YOU could be part of the problem. What is it? Find out before it's really too late! Simple changes you can make that will make a big difference. We'll show you what going "green" really means. A huge eye-opener--what Al Gore wants you to know right now! And why he says our future depends on it."
Did you know that Roger Barnett the owner of Shakl** the manufacturer of our products is featured at site? Actually you can sign up to do a global march with him, me and many others.
As the website says, ""There is no more important cause than the call to action to save our planet. This is a movement about change, as individuals, as a country, and as a global community. We are all contributors to global warming and we all need to be part of the solution. Join the 539,093 supporters of the Stop Global Warming Virtual March, and become part of the movement to demand solutions to global warming now."
"The Stop Global Warming Virtual March is a non-political effort bringing Americans together to declare that global warming is here now and it?s time to act."
Roger Barnett
Location: CA - 94588
Marching Since: May 18, 2006
"I am joining this march because I believe that we each have a personal responsibility to do our part to make the world a better and safer place for our children and for future generations. As Chairman and CEO of Shak Corporation, I also believe that the business community has a responsibility to help achieve positive social change. Shakl** has taken a leadership role in the area of global warming, becoming the 1st company to be certified as having a net zero impact on climate change by the Climate Neutral? network. We continue to look for ways that we can reduce emissions and offset our C02 production, and have launched our biggest global environmental campaign "A Million Trees. A Million Dreams" to call attention to this issue. I believe that every action by every individual can make a difference, and that environmentally responsible companies can be part of the solution for people and the planet."
Top 10 Marchers
Laurie David (128,603)
David Whiteside (5,493)
Leonardo DiCaprio (5,185)
General Wesley Clark (4,394)
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (4,030)
Andy Stern (2,162)
Reverend William Sinkford (1,939)
Roger Barnett (1,520)
Gary Hirshberg (1,363)
Jon Fishman (917)
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Friday, December 01, 2006
Monsanto Brings Small Family Dairy to Court

When I read this I knew people should be informed about what some of these large chemical corporations are doing. My question to you are you supporting a company like this? The Barefoot Secret Company had a situation a few years back when they couln't find a pure supply for their products with ginseng in them. Well guess what they stopped producing those products till they could get a pure raw product. None of their competiters batted an eye and just kept producing product.
We are about doing what is right even if it hurts the bottom line!
Buy Natural Environmentally Safe Cleaning Products from Barefoot Secret Company.. it's all about doing what is right!
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Obesity Secret Ignored
This was written by:Dr. Russell Blaylock
I am convinced that one of the leading causes of obesity is being totally ignored by both by public officials and the media, despite the fact that there is tremendous scientific evidence confirming its role.
In 1969, neuroscientist Dr. John Olney discovered that feeding newborn rats MSG (monosodium glutamate) caused them to become grossly obese.
Each time he repeated the experiment, he saw the same thing. Subsequent studies have shown that this phenomenon occurred in most animal species, indicating that it wasn't something peculiar to the rat.
The effects of MSG are now so well established that the substance is routinely used in experimental obesity studies on animals.
In fact, scientists have also discovered how it was producing the obesity.
For over fifty years, researchers knew that a pinpoint injury to certain parts of the hypothalamus portion of the brain would cause an animal to become grossly obese. What they would later discover was that MSG itself actually destroys the same area in the hypothalamus.
An intensive 1995 review of MSG toxicity by the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) concluded that infant formula contained a dose of glutamate (the toxic ingredient in MSG) in the form of caseinate (cow's milk protein) that would sufficiently produce the very same brain injury seen in experimental animals.
Disturbingly humans are five times more susceptible to MSG toxicity than even the most sensitive lab animal. And babies are four times more sensitive than adults. It is this early exposure to MSG and other excitotoxins that leads to gross obesity.
Actually, the problem is much worse than that.
Recent studies have shown that obese animals actually have the metabolic syndrome, which is now seen in 50 million adults in the United States. You will remember from my previous newsletter "The Diabetes Solution" that the metabolic syndrome is the cause of type-2 diabetes as well as hypertension and atherosclerosis.
Essentially, science proves that excitotoxins can trigger the metabolic syndrome and obesity.
And we know that the level of excitotoxins added to our food is at least equal to (and sometimes exceeds) the amount needed to produce the metabolic syndrome in animals. Yet only a handful of scientists are addressing this alarming association.
Recent studies have shown that glutamate (MSG and other excitotoxins) can powerfully stimulate the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas.
Excess insulin can cause atherosclerosis, hypertension and the type-2 diabetes ? by stimulating chronic inflammation. And remember that insulin resistance can also lead to high insulin levels. Of course, the obese MSG animals experience all this as well.
It all fits in with what we are seeing in human beings. And one other part of the obesity puzzle has recently been pieced together.
In discussions about obesity, you may have heard about something called leptin. This enigmatic chemical is produced in the fat cells and controls many things, including fat accumulation.
Normally, when leptin surges into the blood, it enters the brain and acts within a specific group of neurons inside the hypothalamus to powerfully suppress the appetite and increase fat burning, thereby making us thinner.
But MSG and other excitotoxins damage the very nucleus of brain cells needed to do this. Those cells are known as the arcuate nucleus.
In fact, this vital collection of neurons is the area of the brain most sensitive to excitotoxins. In experiments, MSG rendered leptin ineffective, causing the animals to become grossly obese. Scientists call this leptin resistance, an occurrence linked to obesity in both children and adults.
Also, excitotoxins like MSG cause more glucose to enter fat cells, preventing it from being burned in muscle cells as it should. As a result, more fat accumulates ? especially around organs and within the abdomen (visceral fat).
You may recall from the diabetes newsletter that this visceral fat is the root of all the of the metabolic syndrome's bad effects. The bottom line:
We see that the excitotoxins added to our food can induce gross obesity through a number of mechanisms.
And we must remember that while it is soon after birth that a child is first exposed to foods containing MSG and other excitotoxins, the effects persist for a lifetime.
Unbelievably, dietitian, medical doctors and many public institutions are promoting the use of "diet" soft drinks and other foods sweetened with aspartame (NutraSweet?, Equal?, etc) as the answer to the problem of obesity.
Aspartame is made up of three components: phenylalanine, methanol and aspartic acid. Aspartic acid (aspartate), like glutamate, is an excitotoxin.
It is just as capable as glutamate of doing damage to cells and brain nuclei.
In fact, one of the acknowledged effects of aspartame is weight gain.
The FDA even lists increased weight as one result of using the sweetener. Like glutamate, aspartame stimulates the pancreas to secrete insulin, making you hungry ? especially for sweets. And the more you drink, the hungrier you get. Just like glutamate, aspartame destroys the arcuate nucleus, which in turn produces leptin resistance. As a result, you get fat.
Have you heard about Cinch? It's a plan for the rest of us. Why not take a look..
I am convinced that one of the leading causes of obesity is being totally ignored by both by public officials and the media, despite the fact that there is tremendous scientific evidence confirming its role.
In 1969, neuroscientist Dr. John Olney discovered that feeding newborn rats MSG (monosodium glutamate) caused them to become grossly obese.
Each time he repeated the experiment, he saw the same thing. Subsequent studies have shown that this phenomenon occurred in most animal species, indicating that it wasn't something peculiar to the rat.
The effects of MSG are now so well established that the substance is routinely used in experimental obesity studies on animals.
In fact, scientists have also discovered how it was producing the obesity.
For over fifty years, researchers knew that a pinpoint injury to certain parts of the hypothalamus portion of the brain would cause an animal to become grossly obese. What they would later discover was that MSG itself actually destroys the same area in the hypothalamus.
An intensive 1995 review of MSG toxicity by the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) concluded that infant formula contained a dose of glutamate (the toxic ingredient in MSG) in the form of caseinate (cow's milk protein) that would sufficiently produce the very same brain injury seen in experimental animals.
Disturbingly humans are five times more susceptible to MSG toxicity than even the most sensitive lab animal. And babies are four times more sensitive than adults. It is this early exposure to MSG and other excitotoxins that leads to gross obesity.
Actually, the problem is much worse than that.
Recent studies have shown that obese animals actually have the metabolic syndrome, which is now seen in 50 million adults in the United States. You will remember from my previous newsletter "The Diabetes Solution" that the metabolic syndrome is the cause of type-2 diabetes as well as hypertension and atherosclerosis.
Essentially, science proves that excitotoxins can trigger the metabolic syndrome and obesity.
And we know that the level of excitotoxins added to our food is at least equal to (and sometimes exceeds) the amount needed to produce the metabolic syndrome in animals. Yet only a handful of scientists are addressing this alarming association.
Recent studies have shown that glutamate (MSG and other excitotoxins) can powerfully stimulate the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas.
Excess insulin can cause atherosclerosis, hypertension and the type-2 diabetes ? by stimulating chronic inflammation. And remember that insulin resistance can also lead to high insulin levels. Of course, the obese MSG animals experience all this as well.
It all fits in with what we are seeing in human beings. And one other part of the obesity puzzle has recently been pieced together.
In discussions about obesity, you may have heard about something called leptin. This enigmatic chemical is produced in the fat cells and controls many things, including fat accumulation.
Normally, when leptin surges into the blood, it enters the brain and acts within a specific group of neurons inside the hypothalamus to powerfully suppress the appetite and increase fat burning, thereby making us thinner.
But MSG and other excitotoxins damage the very nucleus of brain cells needed to do this. Those cells are known as the arcuate nucleus.
In fact, this vital collection of neurons is the area of the brain most sensitive to excitotoxins. In experiments, MSG rendered leptin ineffective, causing the animals to become grossly obese. Scientists call this leptin resistance, an occurrence linked to obesity in both children and adults.
Also, excitotoxins like MSG cause more glucose to enter fat cells, preventing it from being burned in muscle cells as it should. As a result, more fat accumulates ? especially around organs and within the abdomen (visceral fat).
You may recall from the diabetes newsletter that this visceral fat is the root of all the of the metabolic syndrome's bad effects. The bottom line:
We see that the excitotoxins added to our food can induce gross obesity through a number of mechanisms.
And we must remember that while it is soon after birth that a child is first exposed to foods containing MSG and other excitotoxins, the effects persist for a lifetime.
Unbelievably, dietitian, medical doctors and many public institutions are promoting the use of "diet" soft drinks and other foods sweetened with aspartame (NutraSweet?, Equal?, etc) as the answer to the problem of obesity.
Aspartame is made up of three components: phenylalanine, methanol and aspartic acid. Aspartic acid (aspartate), like glutamate, is an excitotoxin.
It is just as capable as glutamate of doing damage to cells and brain nuclei.
In fact, one of the acknowledged effects of aspartame is weight gain.
The FDA even lists increased weight as one result of using the sweetener. Like glutamate, aspartame stimulates the pancreas to secrete insulin, making you hungry ? especially for sweets. And the more you drink, the hungrier you get. Just like glutamate, aspartame destroys the arcuate nucleus, which in turn produces leptin resistance. As a result, you get fat.
Have you heard about Cinch? It's a plan for the rest of us. Why not take a look..
Monday, October 16, 2006
Did you know? Women who work at home have a 54% higher death rate from cancer than those who work away from home.

More than 9 out of every 10 suspected poison exposures occur at home with household products. Source: Barefoot's NEW Clean site.
Safe? There really is a big deal about toxins and you can read all about it at the CLEAN site. Find out where they are in your home and more importantly, how to replace them.
Effective? Chances are the CLEAN products beat out what you are using. Check out the results of the testing.
Economical? You bet. The CLEAN kit is comparable to $3,400.00 (yes that's the right figure) worth of 'other' brands of products.
CLEAN products use biodegradable cleaning agents, which means they break down easily instead of hanging out in the ground for hundreds of years. They also have no phosphates, borates, nitrates, or other stuff the planet doesn't appreciate. And by making them superconcentrated, you just add water - subtract waste. This has tons of implications. Literally. Less weight to ship. Less products to use. Less packaging to throw away. So you can get that clean feeling about your house, knowing you're keeping the planet clean too.
When you buy some common cleaners, a lot of what you're buying is water. CLEAN products are more economical because they are concentrated, an awesome value for you the consumer. Smaller bottles should not fool you. There's a whole lot of CLEAN in there saving you money, ounce for ounce. You might be willing to pay extra for safe, powerful, green cleaners. But it's nice to know you don't have to, and that you are actually making a positive impact on your budget as well as the planet.
Worth taking a look? YOU BET!!! Shaklee Distributors won't be the only excited users! You can buy CLEAN online.
Monday, October 09, 2006
The Chemical's Within Us.. Great Article Review
Have you had a chance to get the Oct. issue of National Geographic yet? I just picked up several copies yesterday....WOW! You can read some of the pages at:
On page 116 there is an article called The Chemicals Within Us. A National Geographic writer named David Ewing Duncan did this major article.
Check out page 129 and see if the half page picture of a women walking down the supermarket household products aisle with a protective mask over her mouth doesn?t just say it all. The caption on the picture reads? A whiff of household products sends Betty Kreeger into fits of wheezing, nausea and confusion. Like other people who say they suffer from multiple chemical sensitivity, she flees fragrances when she can and dons an air-filtering mask when she can't.?
Learn more about envronmentally safe chemical free cleaners.
On page 116 there is an article called The Chemicals Within Us. A National Geographic writer named David Ewing Duncan did this major article.
Check out page 129 and see if the half page picture of a women walking down the supermarket household products aisle with a protective mask over her mouth doesn?t just say it all. The caption on the picture reads? A whiff of household products sends Betty Kreeger into fits of wheezing, nausea and confusion. Like other people who say they suffer from multiple chemical sensitivity, she flees fragrances when she can and dons an air-filtering mask when she can't.?
Learn more about envronmentally safe chemical free cleaners.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Can chemicals in our home cause deformities?

At worst boys are left infertile and unable to have sex. Of every 150 to
200 boys born in the UK, one will have hypospadias - and doctors believe
that cases have doubled over the past 25 years. It happens during the
first three or four months of pregnancy and is a result of incomplete
masculinisation. During the development of babies with hypospadias,
something disrupts the hormonal changes a foetus goes through to become
Research in Denmark points to a group of chemicals - phthalates -
found in objects such as plastic, carpets, fabric, make-up, food
packaging, perfume, cosmetics, milk, vegetables, pesticides and sun
cream. They are known as endocrine disrupters and are believed to upset
the balance of hormones during the early stages of pregnancy. Professor
Richard Sharpe of the Medical Research Council’s Human Reproductive
Sciences Unit suggests that there’s a link between incidents of
hypospadias, undescended testes, low sperm-count and testicular cancers.
“We don’t yet know the exact cause of these problems, but they are all
inter-related. It seems that the increase in these abnormalities is to
do with environmental and lifestyle factors. It is something that has
only happened recently,” Sharpe says.
Aivar Bracka, a consultant genito-urethral plastic surgeon at Russells
Hall Hospital in Dudley, operates on hundreds of cases of hypospadias
every year and says that he would be surprised if there was not an
environment cause for the condition. “In particular, it explains cases
of identical twins where one is born with hypospadias and the other
isn’t. This means that genetics doesn’t account for everything.”
Although hereditary factors do, however, play a part in some cases. It
is not unusual for more than one male in a family to have hypospadias.
Studies have shown that boys with hypospadias tend to have a slightly
lower sperm-count and 1 in 10 boys are also born with undescended
testicles. If one testicle descends there is, again, a small but
significant increase of infertility.
If both fail to descend, that likelihood shoots up to 80 per cent.
The European Parliament will be
finalising legislation this autumn on the use of toxic chemicals in
household products. Greenpeace wants to see the use of phthalates, a
group of chemicals that may be responsible for disrupting hormones
during pregnancy, restricted and safer ones used. It also wants the
chemical content of products to be clearly stated on labels so that
consumers know what to avoid. Even if Greenpeace succeed in their bid,
it is unclear whether the rise in conditions such as hypospadias can be
reversed. But it does seem clear that some lifestyle and environmental
factors must be addressed.
The Independent News, 12 September 2006
We have a solution as a Shaklee Distributor I'm very proud to announce
the new cleaning products. Get the
Friday, August 25, 2006
Key Secrets to a Healthier Environment

Roger talked about statistics and shared his vision and passion on how the entire planet with BETTER HEALTH AND BETTER ENVIRONMENT would completely stop all fighting and we could have world peace and a healthy world to live in. It's amazing thought when you think about it... if everybody in the world knew about Barefoot Secret Company took 2 multi-vitamin and used the environmently safe cleaners in the NEW KIT how it would END hunger, poverty, and global warming and bring peace...
This was the first conference to be held that had ZERO inpact on the environment. Barefoot Secret Company has completely off set the emmissions of the conference and also in everything they do from making the products to shipping to the corporate offices. Gosh just think the difference it would make if other large companies would follow suit!
Friday, August 11, 2006
Barefoot Secret Company Celebrates 50 years in Business

One of the very first products produced by that company is all purpose H. I noticed this morning there are many testimonials stating that all purpose H is what started their business and continues to be the back bone of their business. Read some of these Testimonials
I know for our family we use this all purpose cleaner lots of stuff here on the farm. We use it as part of a formula to keep the flies off our precious mules. We bath our dogs in it. we mix it with water when watering the garden during the hot dry days of summer. It makes water wetter keeping the soil moist and conditioned longer. This is just the tip of the ice berg...
Buy All Purpose H Online HERE
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Eye-Opening Story about the Average Purse
It's something just about every woman carries with her. While we may know
what's inside our purses, do you have any idea what's on the outside? Shauna
Lake put purses to the test - for bacteria - with surprising results. You may
think twice about where you put your purse in the future.
Women carry purses everywhere, from the office to public restrooms to the
floor of the car. Most women won't be caught without their purses, but did
ever stop to think about where your purse goes during the day?
"I drive a school bus, so my purse has been on the floor of the bus a
lot," says one woman. "On the floor of my car, in restrooms."
"I put my purse in grocery shopping carts, on the floor of bathroom stalls
while changing a diaper," says another woman. "And of course in my home -
which should be clean."
We decided to find out if purses harbor a lot of bacteria. We learned how
to test t hem at Nelson Laboratories in Salt Lake, then we set out to test
the average woman's purse. Most women told us they didn't stop to think about
what was on the bottom of their purse. Most said they usually set their purses on
topof kitchen tables and counters where food is prepared.
Most of the ladies we talked to told us they wouldn't be surprised if
their purses were at least a little bit dirty. It turns out purses are so
surprisingly dirty, even the microbiologist who tested them was shocked.
Microbiologist Amy Karren of Nelson Labs says nearly all the purses tested
were not only high in bacteria, but high in harmful kinds of bacteria.
Pseudomonas can cause eye infections, staphylococcus aurous can cause
serious skin infections, and salmonella and e-coli found on the purses could
make people very sick. In one sampling, four of five purses tested positive
for salmonella, and that's not the worst of it.
"There was fecal contamination on the purses," says Amy. (You know... poop?)
Leather or vinyl purses tended to be cleaner than cloth purses, and
lifestyle seemed to play a role. People with kids tended to have dirtier
purses than those without, with one exception. The purse of one single woman who
frequented nightclubs had one of the worst contaminations of all. "Some type
of feces, or even possibly vomit or something like that," says Amy.
So the moral of this story - your purse won't kill you, but it does has
the potential to make you very sick if you keep it on places where you eat.
Use hooks to hang your purse at home and in restrooms, and don't put it on your
desk, on a restaurant table, or on your kitchen countertop.
Experts say you should think of your purse the same way you would a pair
of shoes. "Would you consider putting a pair of shoes onto your countertops?
Well that's the same thing you're doing when you put your purse on the
countertops," says Amy.
The microbiologists at Nelson also said cleaning a purse will help. Wash
cloth purses and use leather cleaner to clean the bottom of leather purses.
Buy Natural Safe Cleaners Online HERE
what's inside our purses, do you have any idea what's on the outside? Shauna
Lake put purses to the test - for bacteria - with surprising results. You may
think twice about where you put your purse in the future.
Women carry purses everywhere, from the office to public restrooms to the
floor of the car. Most women won't be caught without their purses, but did
ever stop to think about where your purse goes during the day?
"I drive a school bus, so my purse has been on the floor of the bus a
lot," says one woman. "On the floor of my car, in restrooms."
"I put my purse in grocery shopping carts, on the floor of bathroom stalls
while changing a diaper," says another woman. "And of course in my home -
which should be clean."
We decided to find out if purses harbor a lot of bacteria. We learned how
to test t hem at Nelson Laboratories in Salt Lake, then we set out to test
the average woman's purse. Most women told us they didn't stop to think about
what was on the bottom of their purse. Most said they usually set their purses on
topof kitchen tables and counters where food is prepared.
Most of the ladies we talked to told us they wouldn't be surprised if
their purses were at least a little bit dirty. It turns out purses are so
surprisingly dirty, even the microbiologist who tested them was shocked.
Microbiologist Amy Karren of Nelson Labs says nearly all the purses tested
were not only high in bacteria, but high in harmful kinds of bacteria.
Pseudomonas can cause eye infections, staphylococcus aurous can cause
serious skin infections, and salmonella and e-coli found on the purses could
make people very sick. In one sampling, four of five purses tested positive
for salmonella, and that's not the worst of it.
"There was fecal contamination on the purses," says Amy. (You know... poop?)
Leather or vinyl purses tended to be cleaner than cloth purses, and
lifestyle seemed to play a role. People with kids tended to have dirtier
purses than those without, with one exception. The purse of one single woman who
frequented nightclubs had one of the worst contaminations of all. "Some type
of feces, or even possibly vomit or something like that," says Amy.
So the moral of this story - your purse won't kill you, but it does has
the potential to make you very sick if you keep it on places where you eat.
Use hooks to hang your purse at home and in restrooms, and don't put it on your
desk, on a restaurant table, or on your kitchen countertop.
Experts say you should think of your purse the same way you would a pair
of shoes. "Would you consider putting a pair of shoes onto your countertops?
Well that's the same thing you're doing when you put your purse on the
countertops," says Amy.
The microbiologists at Nelson also said cleaning a purse will help. Wash
cloth purses and use leather cleaner to clean the bottom of leather purses.
Buy Natural Safe Cleaners Online HERE
Friday, July 14, 2006
How Toxic Are Your Household Cleaning Supplies?
PRODUCT REPORT: Household | Cleaning Supplies |The Green Guide |
Personal Health
When consumers buy commercial cleaning products, we expect them to do one thing: clean! We use a wide array of scents, soaps, detergents, bleaching agents, softeners, scourers, polishes, and specialized cleaners for bathrooms, glass, drains, and ovens to keep our homes sparkling and sweet-smelling. But while the chemicals in cleaners foam, bleach, and disinfect to make our dishes, bathtubs and countertops gleaming and germ-free, many also contribute to indoor air pollution, are poisonous if ingested, and can be harmful if inhaled or touched. In fact, some cleaners are among the most toxic products found in the home. In 2000, cleaning products were responsible for nearly 10% of all toxic exposures reported to U.S. Poison Control Centers, accounting for 206,636 calls. Of these, 120,434 exposures involved children under six, who can swallow or spill cleaners stored or left open inside the home.
Cleaning ingredients vary in the type of health hazard they pose. Some cause acute, or immediate, hazards such as skin or respiratory irritation, watery eyes, or chemical burns, while others are associated with chronic, or long-term, effects such as cancer.
The most acutely dangerous cleaning products are corrosive drain cleaners, oven cleaners, and acidic toilet bowl cleaners, according to Philip Dickey of the Washington Toxics Coalition. Corrosive chemicals can cause severe burns on eyes, skin and, if ingested, on the throat and esophagus. Ingredients with high acute toxicity include chlorine bleach and ammonia, which produce fumes that are highly irritating to eyes, nose, throat and lungs, and should not be used by people with asthma or lung or heart problems. These two chemicals pose an added threat in that they can react with each other or other chemicals to form lung-damaging gases. Combining products that contain chlorine and ammonia or ammonia and lye (in some oven cleaners) produces chloramine gases, while chlorine combined with acids (commonly used in toilet bowl cleaners) forms toxic chlorine gas.
Fragrances added to many cleaners, most notably laundry detergents and fabric softeners, may cause acute effects such as respiratory irritation, headache, sneezing, and watery eyes in sensitive individuals or allergy and asthma sufferers. The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health has found that one-third of the substances used in the fragrance industry are toxic. But because the chemical formulas of fragrances are considered trade secrets, companies aren't required to list their ingredients but merely label them as containing "fragrance."
Other ingredients in cleaners may have low acute toxicity but contribute to long-term health effects, such as cancer or hormone disruption. Some all-purpose cleaners contain the sudsing agents diethanolamine (DEA) and triethanolamine (TEA). When these substances come into contact with nitrites, often present as undisclosed preservatives or contaminants, they react to form nitrosamines - carcinogens that readily penetrate the skin. 1,4-dioxane, another suspected carcinogen, may be present in cleaners made with ethoxylated alcohols. Butyl cellosolve (also known as ethylene glycol monobutyl ether), which may be neurotoxic (or cause damage to the brain and nervous system), is also present in some cleaners.
Chemicals that are so-called "hormone disruptors" can interfere with the body's natural chemical messages, either by blocking or mimicking the actions of hormones. Possible health effects include decreased sperm counts, increased rates of male birth defects such as cryptorchidism (undescended testicles) and hypospadias (where the urethra is on the underside of the penis), and increased rates of some kinds of cancers. The alkylphenol ethoxylates (APEs) used in some detergents and cleaners have been shown to mimic the hormone estrogen; one APE, p-nonylphenol, has caused estrogen-sensitive breast cancer cells to multiply in a test tube study.
After bubbly cleaning liquids disappear down our drains, they are treated along with sewage and other waste water at municipal treatment plants, then discharged into nearby waterways. Most ingredients in chemical cleaners break down into harmless substances during treatment or soon afterward. Others, however, do not, threatening water quality or fish and other wildlife. In a May 2002 study of contaminants in stream water samples across the country, the U.S. Geological Survey found persistent detergent metabolites in 69% of streams tested. Sixty-six percent contained disinfectants.
The detergent metabolites the USGS detected were members of a class of chemicals called alkylphenol ethoxylates (APEs). APEs, which include nonylphenol ethoxylates and octylphenol ethoxylates, are surfactants, or "surface active agents" that are key to detergents' effectiveness. They are added to some laundry detergents, disinfectants, laundry stain removers, and citrus cleaner/degreasers. When discharged in municipal waste water, nonylphenol ethoxylates and octylphenol ethoxylates break down into nonylphenol and octylphenol, which are more toxic and do not readily biodegrade in soil and water. APEs have been shown to mimic the hormone estrogen, and their presence in water may be harming the reproduction and survival of salmon and other fish. For example, in Britain, researcher John Sumpter discovered that male fish exposed to APEs in rivers were producing female egg-yolk proteins. APE pollution may be threatening fish in the U.S. as well, for octylphenol and nonylphenol were the detergent metabolites that the USGS detected in 69% of streams tested here. Such ubiquity may not bode well for humans, either: the APE p-nonylphenol has also caused estrogen-sensitive breast cancer cells to proliferate in test tubes.
Another famous water pollutant is phosphates, water-softening mineral additives that were once widely used in laundry detergents and other cleaners. When phosphates enter waterways, they act as a fertilizer, spawning overgrowth of algae. This overabundance of aquatic plant life eventually depletes the water's oxygen supply, killing off fish and other organisms. Although many states have banned phosphates from laundry detergents and some other cleaners, they are still used in automatic dishwasher detergents.
Another environmental concern with cleaning products is that many use chemicals that are petroleum-based, contributing to the depletion of this non-renewable resource and increasing our nation's dependence on imported oil.
The plastic bottles used to package cleaning products pose another environmental problem by contributing to the mounds of solid waste that must be landfilled, incinerated or, in not enough cases, recycled. Most cleaners are bottled in high-density polyethylene (HDPE, denoted by the #2 inside the recycling triangle) or polyethylene terephthalate (PETE, #1) which are accepted for recycling in a growing number of communities. However, some are bottled in polyvinyl chloride (PVC, #3). PVC, otherwise known as vinyl, is made from cancer-causing chemicals such as vinyl chloride, and it forms as a byproduct a potent carcinogen, dioxin, during production and incineration. As a final insult, most sanitation departments do not accept PVC for recycling; less than 1% of all PVC is recycled each year.
Household Cleaning Supplies
What to look for
A few safe, simple ingredients like soap, water, baking soda, vinegar, lemon juice and borax, aided by a little elbow grease and a coarse sponge for scrubbing, can take care of most household cleaning needs. And they can save you lots of money wasted on unnecessary, specialized cleaners! For that reason, we've provided recipes for do-it-yourself cleaners under most product categories (See Product Comparisons).
However, when you need the convenience or the added power of pre-made, commercial cleaners, or for the basics like laundry and dishwashing detergents, here are some shopping guidelines to help you choose products with the lowest impact on your health and the environment:
1. Although most cleaners don't list ingredients, you can learn something about a product's hazards by reading its label. Most labels bear a signal word, such as Danger, Warning or Caution, that provides some indication of a product's toxicity. Products labeled Danger or Poison are typically most hazardous; those bearing a Warning label are moderately hazardous, and formulas with a Caution label are considered slightly toxic. If you find them, choose products that are nontoxic enough that they require none of the signal words above on their label. Beside the signal word is usually a phrase that describes the nature of the hazard, such as "may cause skin irritation," "flammable," "vapors harmful," or "may cause burns on contact." Look for instructions on how to use the product, which may help you avoid injury. Some labels do list active ingredients, which may assist you in detecting caustic or irritating ingredients you may wish to avoid, such as ammonia or sodium hypochlorite. A few manufacturers voluntarily list all ingredients.
2. When gauging ecological claims, look for specifics. For example, "biodegradable in 3 to 5 days" holds a lot more meaning than "biodegradable," as most substances will eventually break down if given enough time and the right ecological conditions. And claims like "no solvents," "no phosphates," or "plant-based" are more meaningful than vague terms like "ecologically-friendly" or "natural."'
3. When ingredients are listed, choose products made with plant-based, instead of petroleum-based, ingredients.
4. To reduce packaging waste: Choose cleaners in the largest container sizes available; especially seek out bulk sizes. Select products in bottles made with at least some recycled plastic. By doing so, you support companies that are providing a vital end-market for recycled plastic (without this market, recycling would not be possible). And choose concentrated formulas, which contain only 20% or less water. Because dilution with water is done at home, not at the factory, concentrated cleaners overall require less packaging and fuels for shipping.
What to look out for
Avoid cleaners marked "Danger" or "Poison" on the label, and look out for other tell-tale hazard warnings, such as "corrosive" or "may cause burns."
Avoid products that list active ingredients of chlorine or ammonia, which can cause respiratory and skin irritation and will create toxic fumes if accidentally mixed together.
Protect water quality and aquatic life by refusing to purchase detergents containing phosphates, which may cause algal blooms, or alkylphenol ethoxylates, including nonylphenol and octylphenol. Unfortunately, these ingredients are rarely, if ever, disclosed on labels; however, the brands recommended in this report are, to the best of our knowledge, phosphate- and APE-free.
Beware of unregulated "greenwash" claims on labels! Terms such as "natural" and "eco-friendly" shouldn't be equated with safety unless they're backed up with specific ingredient information, such as "solvent-free," "no petroleum-based ingredients," "no phosphates," etc. "Non-toxic" has no official definition, so unless a third party has verified this claim, it is not considered meaningful. And don't believe "organic" ingredients in cleaning and other chemical products are any safer than other substances. Although "organic" in the grocery store refers to foods grown without synthetic pesticides, in chemistry it refers to chemicals that are carbon-based, including some VOCs (volatile organic compounds) that release harmful fumes and may cause brain damage or cancer.Additionally, watch out for products labeled organic. Household cleaning products aren’t regulated by the Organic Foods Production Act, but some of their ingredients, such as plant oils, can be labeled “certified organic.” For more info, see
Be aware that some labels that may make a product appear eco-friendly are actually meaningless. For example, many aerosol spray cans are labeled "no CFCs" (or chlorofluorocarbons, which deplete the ozone layer), leading consumers to believe they are buying a more eco-friendly product by purchasing that brand. In reality, CFCs have been banned from aerosols since 1978, so none are permitted to contain CFCs. And think of all of the resources that would be saved if companies that advertise their packaging as "100% recyclable" actually switched to materials that are "100% recycled!"
Buy Safe Household Cleaners ONLINE HERE

Personal Health
When consumers buy commercial cleaning products, we expect them to do one thing: clean! We use a wide array of scents, soaps, detergents, bleaching agents, softeners, scourers, polishes, and specialized cleaners for bathrooms, glass, drains, and ovens to keep our homes sparkling and sweet-smelling. But while the chemicals in cleaners foam, bleach, and disinfect to make our dishes, bathtubs and countertops gleaming and germ-free, many also contribute to indoor air pollution, are poisonous if ingested, and can be harmful if inhaled or touched. In fact, some cleaners are among the most toxic products found in the home. In 2000, cleaning products were responsible for nearly 10% of all toxic exposures reported to U.S. Poison Control Centers, accounting for 206,636 calls. Of these, 120,434 exposures involved children under six, who can swallow or spill cleaners stored or left open inside the home.
Cleaning ingredients vary in the type of health hazard they pose. Some cause acute, or immediate, hazards such as skin or respiratory irritation, watery eyes, or chemical burns, while others are associated with chronic, or long-term, effects such as cancer.
The most acutely dangerous cleaning products are corrosive drain cleaners, oven cleaners, and acidic toilet bowl cleaners, according to Philip Dickey of the Washington Toxics Coalition. Corrosive chemicals can cause severe burns on eyes, skin and, if ingested, on the throat and esophagus. Ingredients with high acute toxicity include chlorine bleach and ammonia, which produce fumes that are highly irritating to eyes, nose, throat and lungs, and should not be used by people with asthma or lung or heart problems. These two chemicals pose an added threat in that they can react with each other or other chemicals to form lung-damaging gases. Combining products that contain chlorine and ammonia or ammonia and lye (in some oven cleaners) produces chloramine gases, while chlorine combined with acids (commonly used in toilet bowl cleaners) forms toxic chlorine gas.
Fragrances added to many cleaners, most notably laundry detergents and fabric softeners, may cause acute effects such as respiratory irritation, headache, sneezing, and watery eyes in sensitive individuals or allergy and asthma sufferers. The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health has found that one-third of the substances used in the fragrance industry are toxic. But because the chemical formulas of fragrances are considered trade secrets, companies aren't required to list their ingredients but merely label them as containing "fragrance."
Other ingredients in cleaners may have low acute toxicity but contribute to long-term health effects, such as cancer or hormone disruption. Some all-purpose cleaners contain the sudsing agents diethanolamine (DEA) and triethanolamine (TEA). When these substances come into contact with nitrites, often present as undisclosed preservatives or contaminants, they react to form nitrosamines - carcinogens that readily penetrate the skin. 1,4-dioxane, another suspected carcinogen, may be present in cleaners made with ethoxylated alcohols. Butyl cellosolve (also known as ethylene glycol monobutyl ether), which may be neurotoxic (or cause damage to the brain and nervous system), is also present in some cleaners.
Chemicals that are so-called "hormone disruptors" can interfere with the body's natural chemical messages, either by blocking or mimicking the actions of hormones. Possible health effects include decreased sperm counts, increased rates of male birth defects such as cryptorchidism (undescended testicles) and hypospadias (where the urethra is on the underside of the penis), and increased rates of some kinds of cancers. The alkylphenol ethoxylates (APEs) used in some detergents and cleaners have been shown to mimic the hormone estrogen; one APE, p-nonylphenol, has caused estrogen-sensitive breast cancer cells to multiply in a test tube study.
After bubbly cleaning liquids disappear down our drains, they are treated along with sewage and other waste water at municipal treatment plants, then discharged into nearby waterways. Most ingredients in chemical cleaners break down into harmless substances during treatment or soon afterward. Others, however, do not, threatening water quality or fish and other wildlife. In a May 2002 study of contaminants in stream water samples across the country, the U.S. Geological Survey found persistent detergent metabolites in 69% of streams tested. Sixty-six percent contained disinfectants.
The detergent metabolites the USGS detected were members of a class of chemicals called alkylphenol ethoxylates (APEs). APEs, which include nonylphenol ethoxylates and octylphenol ethoxylates, are surfactants, or "surface active agents" that are key to detergents' effectiveness. They are added to some laundry detergents, disinfectants, laundry stain removers, and citrus cleaner/degreasers. When discharged in municipal waste water, nonylphenol ethoxylates and octylphenol ethoxylates break down into nonylphenol and octylphenol, which are more toxic and do not readily biodegrade in soil and water. APEs have been shown to mimic the hormone estrogen, and their presence in water may be harming the reproduction and survival of salmon and other fish. For example, in Britain, researcher John Sumpter discovered that male fish exposed to APEs in rivers were producing female egg-yolk proteins. APE pollution may be threatening fish in the U.S. as well, for octylphenol and nonylphenol were the detergent metabolites that the USGS detected in 69% of streams tested here. Such ubiquity may not bode well for humans, either: the APE p-nonylphenol has also caused estrogen-sensitive breast cancer cells to proliferate in test tubes.
Another famous water pollutant is phosphates, water-softening mineral additives that were once widely used in laundry detergents and other cleaners. When phosphates enter waterways, they act as a fertilizer, spawning overgrowth of algae. This overabundance of aquatic plant life eventually depletes the water's oxygen supply, killing off fish and other organisms. Although many states have banned phosphates from laundry detergents and some other cleaners, they are still used in automatic dishwasher detergents.
Another environmental concern with cleaning products is that many use chemicals that are petroleum-based, contributing to the depletion of this non-renewable resource and increasing our nation's dependence on imported oil.
The plastic bottles used to package cleaning products pose another environmental problem by contributing to the mounds of solid waste that must be landfilled, incinerated or, in not enough cases, recycled. Most cleaners are bottled in high-density polyethylene (HDPE, denoted by the #2 inside the recycling triangle) or polyethylene terephthalate (PETE, #1) which are accepted for recycling in a growing number of communities. However, some are bottled in polyvinyl chloride (PVC, #3). PVC, otherwise known as vinyl, is made from cancer-causing chemicals such as vinyl chloride, and it forms as a byproduct a potent carcinogen, dioxin, during production and incineration. As a final insult, most sanitation departments do not accept PVC for recycling; less than 1% of all PVC is recycled each year.
Household Cleaning Supplies
What to look for
A few safe, simple ingredients like soap, water, baking soda, vinegar, lemon juice and borax, aided by a little elbow grease and a coarse sponge for scrubbing, can take care of most household cleaning needs. And they can save you lots of money wasted on unnecessary, specialized cleaners! For that reason, we've provided recipes for do-it-yourself cleaners under most product categories (See Product Comparisons).
However, when you need the convenience or the added power of pre-made, commercial cleaners, or for the basics like laundry and dishwashing detergents, here are some shopping guidelines to help you choose products with the lowest impact on your health and the environment:
1. Although most cleaners don't list ingredients, you can learn something about a product's hazards by reading its label. Most labels bear a signal word, such as Danger, Warning or Caution, that provides some indication of a product's toxicity. Products labeled Danger or Poison are typically most hazardous; those bearing a Warning label are moderately hazardous, and formulas with a Caution label are considered slightly toxic. If you find them, choose products that are nontoxic enough that they require none of the signal words above on their label. Beside the signal word is usually a phrase that describes the nature of the hazard, such as "may cause skin irritation," "flammable," "vapors harmful," or "may cause burns on contact." Look for instructions on how to use the product, which may help you avoid injury. Some labels do list active ingredients, which may assist you in detecting caustic or irritating ingredients you may wish to avoid, such as ammonia or sodium hypochlorite. A few manufacturers voluntarily list all ingredients.
2. When gauging ecological claims, look for specifics. For example, "biodegradable in 3 to 5 days" holds a lot more meaning than "biodegradable," as most substances will eventually break down if given enough time and the right ecological conditions. And claims like "no solvents," "no phosphates," or "plant-based" are more meaningful than vague terms like "ecologically-friendly" or "natural."'
3. When ingredients are listed, choose products made with plant-based, instead of petroleum-based, ingredients.
4. To reduce packaging waste: Choose cleaners in the largest container sizes available; especially seek out bulk sizes. Select products in bottles made with at least some recycled plastic. By doing so, you support companies that are providing a vital end-market for recycled plastic (without this market, recycling would not be possible). And choose concentrated formulas, which contain only 20% or less water. Because dilution with water is done at home, not at the factory, concentrated cleaners overall require less packaging and fuels for shipping.
What to look out for
Avoid cleaners marked "Danger" or "Poison" on the label, and look out for other tell-tale hazard warnings, such as "corrosive" or "may cause burns."
Avoid products that list active ingredients of chlorine or ammonia, which can cause respiratory and skin irritation and will create toxic fumes if accidentally mixed together.
Protect water quality and aquatic life by refusing to purchase detergents containing phosphates, which may cause algal blooms, or alkylphenol ethoxylates, including nonylphenol and octylphenol. Unfortunately, these ingredients are rarely, if ever, disclosed on labels; however, the brands recommended in this report are, to the best of our knowledge, phosphate- and APE-free.
Beware of unregulated "greenwash" claims on labels! Terms such as "natural" and "eco-friendly" shouldn't be equated with safety unless they're backed up with specific ingredient information, such as "solvent-free," "no petroleum-based ingredients," "no phosphates," etc. "Non-toxic" has no official definition, so unless a third party has verified this claim, it is not considered meaningful. And don't believe "organic" ingredients in cleaning and other chemical products are any safer than other substances. Although "organic" in the grocery store refers to foods grown without synthetic pesticides, in chemistry it refers to chemicals that are carbon-based, including some VOCs (volatile organic compounds) that release harmful fumes and may cause brain damage or cancer.Additionally, watch out for products labeled organic. Household cleaning products aren’t regulated by the Organic Foods Production Act, but some of their ingredients, such as plant oils, can be labeled “certified organic.” For more info, see
Be aware that some labels that may make a product appear eco-friendly are actually meaningless. For example, many aerosol spray cans are labeled "no CFCs" (or chlorofluorocarbons, which deplete the ozone layer), leading consumers to believe they are buying a more eco-friendly product by purchasing that brand. In reality, CFCs have been banned from aerosols since 1978, so none are permitted to contain CFCs. And think of all of the resources that would be saved if companies that advertise their packaging as "100% recyclable" actually switched to materials that are "100% recycled!"
Buy Safe Household Cleaners ONLINE HERE
Friday, June 16, 2006

There's no need to water more than an inch per week. Over-watering is unhealthy for lawns and invites lawn disease. Placing a tuna can under the sprinkler will help gauge water depth. Water early in the morning to avoid excessive evaporation from midday sun.
Taller grass has deeper roots, causing the plants to need less watering. Set mower height to 3 inches and cut grass when it reaches 4.5 inches.
Sharpen mower blades. Dull blades harm grass blades, inviting disease.
Return grass clippings to the lawn. Grass mulching decreases weeds up to 60% and is a natural fertilizer.
Avoid cheap grass seed, as it typically has weed seeds mixed in. Get good quality perennial rye and fescue seeds.
Each time you mow, try alternating your pattern and path. This prevents the soil from compacting.
Soil biota helps provide a stable healthy lawn. If your lawn has been treated chemically, it will take a couple of years for the soil microorganisms to rebuild.

A lawsuit filed by the United Farmworkers of America against the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has forced the agency to begin phasing out a highly toxic organophosphate pesticide that has contaminated food and poisoned farmworkers. The pesticide, azinphos-methyl ("AZM"), is used on a variety of food crops, including potatoes, cranberries, and peaches. AZM is a highly toxic neurotoxin derived from nerve agents used during World War II.
In 2001, the EPA found that AZM posed unacceptable risks to farmworkers, but due to industry pressure, the agency kept it on the market. "This pesticide has put thousands of workers at risk of serious illness every year," said Erik Nicholson of the United Farmworkers of America. The EPA will phase out AZM over the next four years.
Learn more...
Saturday, June 03, 2006
What's in your Medicine Cabinet?
One of my favorite products that I call "Green Cream" is a wonderful botanical formula direct from Dr. Shaklee. With summer upon us if might be a good idea to add this to your medicine cabinet if you don't have it already. It's great on sunburns, and as you can see, insect bites, etc.
Here are some of the uses for the wonderful "GREEN CREAM"the MENTHOLATED MARVEL soothes and softens
This minty fresh, mentholated cream is especially formulated for rough, dry, and chapped skin. It softens and comforts calloused hands and feet. It has no greasy residue. It soothes sunburns.
FACE…..for acne, skin rashes, pimples, blackheads, sunburn
LIPS…..for chapped, dry lips, canker sores, cracks at corners of the mouth, cold sores
HAIR….for dandruff, head sores, scaly spots on scalp, perm burns
BACK….for backaches and tightness in neck
HANDS….for chapped, dry hands, warts, rashes, detergent burns, cuticles, hangnails
FEET….for athletes' foot, planters' warts, warts, corns, calluses, rashes, foot cramps, tired aching feet, bruises, blisters
LEGS….for charley horses, cramps, aching muscles, dry skin, rashes, cuts, bruises
BOTTOMS….for diaper rash, hemorrhoids, vaginal infections
SHAVING CREAM….Add some water to cream. Gives clean, smooth, cool shave
PSORIASIS….Relieves redness, itching and inflammation
"I cured seeping Psoriasis on our son's scalp when he was about 20 years old, by having him wash his head each night with Basic-H and every morning I rubbed Herbal Blend Multi-Purpose Cream on his scalp…IT WORKED!! For a long time he continued to bathe and wash his head in Basic-H. Now the family all uses Shaklee's [Shampoo and Conditioner]".
HOT PEPPER HANDS….Relieves burning and soreness caused by hot peppers.
HEADACHES….Rub on temples and forehead. Helps relieve ache.
DIAPER RASH….Has eliminated this problem in many infants. Shaklee deodorant cream also works great!
ACNE….Wash with Basic-H and apply cream. Amazing results
WARTS….Has a tremendous healing effect and you can eliminate warts if you apply Herbal Blend to the area twice a day CONSISTANTLY!! It may take several weeks but eventually you will notice a
separation around the perimeter of the wart and it will fall off leaving a crater like hole in the skin.
Keep applying the Herbal Blend and the area will heal and fill in with new tissue.
CHICKEN POX….Applied at onset, pox marks heal quickly and disappear.
The above are not product claims…rather they are results that some people have experienced!
Learn more about our amazing GREEN CREAM
Buy "GREEN CREAM" Online
Here are some of the uses for the wonderful "GREEN CREAM"the MENTHOLATED MARVEL soothes and softens
This minty fresh, mentholated cream is especially formulated for rough, dry, and chapped skin. It softens and comforts calloused hands and feet. It has no greasy residue. It soothes sunburns.
FACE…..for acne, skin rashes, pimples, blackheads, sunburn
LIPS…..for chapped, dry lips, canker sores, cracks at corners of the mouth, cold sores
HAIR….for dandruff, head sores, scaly spots on scalp, perm burns
BACK….for backaches and tightness in neck
HANDS….for chapped, dry hands, warts, rashes, detergent burns, cuticles, hangnails
FEET….for athletes' foot, planters' warts, warts, corns, calluses, rashes, foot cramps, tired aching feet, bruises, blisters
LEGS….for charley horses, cramps, aching muscles, dry skin, rashes, cuts, bruises
BOTTOMS….for diaper rash, hemorrhoids, vaginal infections
SHAVING CREAM….Add some water to cream. Gives clean, smooth, cool shave
PSORIASIS….Relieves redness, itching and inflammation
"I cured seeping Psoriasis on our son's scalp when he was about 20 years old, by having him wash his head each night with Basic-H and every morning I rubbed Herbal Blend Multi-Purpose Cream on his scalp…IT WORKED!! For a long time he continued to bathe and wash his head in Basic-H. Now the family all uses Shaklee's [Shampoo and Conditioner]".
HOT PEPPER HANDS….Relieves burning and soreness caused by hot peppers.
HEADACHES….Rub on temples and forehead. Helps relieve ache.
DIAPER RASH….Has eliminated this problem in many infants. Shaklee deodorant cream also works great!
ACNE….Wash with Basic-H and apply cream. Amazing results
WARTS….Has a tremendous healing effect and you can eliminate warts if you apply Herbal Blend to the area twice a day CONSISTANTLY!! It may take several weeks but eventually you will notice a
separation around the perimeter of the wart and it will fall off leaving a crater like hole in the skin.
Keep applying the Herbal Blend and the area will heal and fill in with new tissue.
CHICKEN POX….Applied at onset, pox marks heal quickly and disappear.
The above are not product claims…rather they are results that some people have experienced!
Learn more about our amazing GREEN CREAM
Buy "GREEN CREAM" Online
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Mercury Poisoning --- Getting Well Testimony

Deb, Grand Rapids, MI
Do your eyes glisten when you think about your life in your twenties? Most people remember with mischievous smiles. The emotion I get is dread. It wasn’t only that my body struggled to overcome 13 areas of sickness; it was the amount of energy the struggle took from my life.
Each area of sickness had its own complications. For example, because I had 37 food allergies, I spent innumerable hours on food preparation. It wasn’t just the time, either; it was the comfort factor. Before my strict diet, I didn’t realize how much I relied on familiar foods for comfort. Imagine a grown woman crying because of the type of food on her plate. Pitiful, isn’t it? Yet, it’s true. I had a choice to either avoid the foods or eat them and face days of recovery. This memory hasn’t left me yet. We were driving to Mass one early winter morning. I was reading scripture and chomping some nuts when my ears started to buzz and my senses slowed to a drone. My hands shook as the miselette thudded to the ground and my heart beat louder and sweat poured. “Russ, pull over now!” I gasped as I yanked off my coat and sweater. I needed cold air. My throat was swelling shut. Red faced, blotchy and very scared I rolled out of the car. Fear stole any sense of control I had. What could Russ do? I remember his big eyes staring at me as blackness closed in. Then the cold air snapped me back and we rushed home to the Benedryl. Now a new concern was added to my regiment, make sure I have an Epi-pen with me at all times. I tried to ignore the question, what happens when the Benedril and Epi-pen stop working?
Do you remember how it hurt when you accidentally broke open a scar on your knee? This is how endometriosis hurts as each of the hundreds of endometrial cells break open every monthly cycle. Add migraine, low blood sugar dizziness, severe muscle cramping and nerve cell pain and you’ll get a glimpse of how I felt 25 out of every 28 day cycle. Also add to the mix low thyroid, low progesterone, Crohn’s disease, Candida, Insomnia and Osteoporosis and you can see how I went from the energizer bunny to old mother hubbard very quickly. How many medications does it take to keep me teaching in the eighth grade classroom? How long do you think the medications will mask the symptoms?
The fact that my body was dying and all 9 of our kids died inside me (9 miscarriages) still hurts me today. I’ve never seen their smiles. I feared how many more smiles we’d miss. The MDs had no more answers for us, so we looked to wholistic health. I was diagnosed with mercury poisoning in 2000. I met Becky in my new doctor’s office. She had the same diagnosis one month earlier except my numbers were in the top 5% of the Great Lakes Region. Hers were lower. We helped each other find vitamins, diets and treatments. Regaining health became a full time job; I had to leave my teaching and leave my art studio creations. What else would I have to leave?
After three years I decided to stop all vitamins and therapies. My liver had been harmed, my numbers weren’t getting better and my hope for recovery was gone.
When my friend, Cindy, introduced me to Barefoot Secret Company, I was very skeptical; so was Russ.
How could they be different? In fact, I was down-right rude. It takes a lot to put hope back together. Finally, we understood this company had a lot to offer. But could it give me what I needed? We decided to try. We gave my body every chance we could and I began nearly every supplement they had. Becky decided to keep doing what we had been doing all along. She didn’t want to risk crushing her hopes again. I understood.
Three years later, I’m on no medications, the mercury is gone, the endo, osteoporosis, thyroid, hypoglycemia and liver problems are history. The Crohn’s, insomnia and Candida are under control. A full drawer of Barefoot Secret Products did for me what a whole pantry of other supplements couldn’t do.
When Becky called me a few months ago, I could barely recognize her voice through all the tears and depression. She used to be an accomplished accountant with a pleasant demeanor. Not anymore. Now she’s still sick, without work, and just got released from a mentally challenged ‘group home’. I am no more deserving of a healthy life than she is. The only difference in our treatment was my Barefoot Secret Products.
Now, my husband and I get to coach other people to great health. This company has helped restore hope in our future on Earth. Will we gain a living family? Now I have the energy to give live birth and to adopt. Barefoot Secret Company gives us wings.
Do you think we’re grateful for Doctor Shak and the people who helped us discover his work?
Buy Products Online -- Barfoot in the Garden
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Getting rid of Roaches and other Pesky Bugs

First a bit about Roaches.. they prefer a warm, damp location to breed. The best method to eradicate is to keep a clean kitchen. Any small piece of food or water will be sought, and they are resistant to most pesticides and chemicals. They can identify most poisons with their fine sensory hairs and avoid areas baited with it.
Extermination by 1/2 pound of borax, 30 ounces of powdered sugar, 1/2 ounce cocoa powder and 1 ounce of sodium chloride. Put all ingredients in a medium plastic container and mix thoroughly. Sprinkle around wherever the problem
exists. This IS harmful to pets and children. Be cautious.
Herbs that repel cockroaches are bay leaves, cucumber and cayenne. Cucumber peelings work very effectively to deter them. Place them wherever a problem exists and the cockroaches will not frequent that area. Catnip is also a
natural repellant, harmless to people and animals. You can leave small sachets
of catnip in locations the cockroaches frequent, and you will never see them
Another method of killing cockroaches is putting 1 tablespoon of Ivory
dishwashing liquid in 1 quart of water and then in a spray bottle to spray the
roach. This will kill them because they hate to be clean. Place small a small
shallow bowl of equal amounts of baking soda and powdered sugar to kill
roaches. Keep away from children and pets. You can also soak 2 slices of bread
in beer and put in a coffee can and place anywhere. Save the lid to dispose
of the roaches once they've been attracted. The treatment of choice for hard
to place areas is 1/2 pound of borax, 2 pounds of powdered sugar (10x), 1/2
ounce of cocoa powder, 1 ounce of sodium fluoride (from pharmacy). Sprinkle
this around in those hard to reach areas where roaches frequent and keep
children and pets away from it.
Hedgeapples have been used for hundreds of years to repel roaches. They are
the fruit of the Osage orange tree and contain a natural chemical that
repels roaches. One small apple in a room will eliminate roaches. The hedgeapple
will last about 2 months before needing to be replaced. You can get them at
Place vaseline around the inside rim of a medium size jar, then place half a
banana in the far and put a piece of wood or tongue depressor on the outside
of the jar to be used as a ramp so that they can easily walk into the jar to
get the banana. Vaseline will make it too slippery for them to get out and
they die.
The Lard roach extermination with 1/2 cup of all-purpose flour, 1/8 cup of
granulated sugar (any sugar will do), 1/4 cup of lard, 8 ounces of boric acid,
cool tap water. Place these ingredients in a small bowl and blend
thoroughly making the solutions into small balls of dough. Place 1-3 dough balls into an open small plastic bag and place in areas where the roach problem exists.
This is toxic and needs to be kept out of reach of children and pets.
2 tablespoons of Tobasco Sauce or other very hot sauce in 1 quart of water
then mix well and spray the areas cockroaches frequent. This will get rid of
them also. German roaches like flour, brown sugar and light Karo syrup (as
well as the hedgeapple). They prefer carbohydrates to proteins. Being
German, they love their beer. ace it with 5% food-grade DE or borax. Be careful around children and pets. 1 hour before dark go in a room with a red light
(do not turn on room lights) and vacuum up roaches. Be sure to put 1 teaspoon
cornstarch in bag to kill roaches.
Roach dough is made from 1/4 cup Crisco, 1/2 cup of 10X powdered sugar, 1/4
red onion, 1/2 cup all-purpose flour, and 8 ounces baking soda (very fresh).
Add water as needed to prepare a dough-like consistency. Make the dough
into small balls to leave out for roaches.
Roach and ant repellant: 1 cup borax, 1/4 cup crushed fresh black pepper,
1/4 cup crushed bay leaves. Sprinkle in corners of cupboards and drawers.
Roach spray: to 1 quart of tap water add 1 crushed clove of garlic, 1
tablespoon of cayenne pepper and 1 small crushed white onion. Place mixture on
stove and allow it to come to a simmer. Remove from heat, allow to steep for 1
hour before placing in a sprayer and spraying locations roaches frequent.
As a last resort insecticidal powder will need to be forced into all cracks
and crevices. Check with a pest control company and ask them to use a safe
powder that can be used around pets and kids. Remove all pets like birds,
cats, fish and dogs from premises when dusting is being done. Some species are
actually attracted to garlic so it's best not to use garlic to try and get
rid of them.
Prevention is the answer:
Clean out back of frig and any food underneath.
Vacuum regularly.
Make sure kitchen floor is always clean.
Wipe off counters daily.
Clean out pet food dishes and don't leave them out at night.
Your garbage can should have a tight lid.
Seal all cracks and crevices.
Fix any leaky pipes since they love a cool drink.
Repair loose wallpaper since they will eat paste.
Eliminate any stacks of lumbar near the house.
Remove any foliage that is too close to the house.
Eliminate stacks of magazines or newspapers. These make great places for
them to reside.
Check out our environment safe cleaning products that are more cost effective than leading brands. Go to:
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Home Remedies II for the Farm Resource

The book sells for $6.95 plus $3.50 for S&H on the first book. Add 50 cents for each additional copies. Add 6% sales tax for OH residents.
Be sure to include your name and address.
The book can be ordered from:
Abana Books
6523 TR 346
Millersburg, OH 44654
Buy Shaklee's Safe Cleaning Products ONLINE HERE
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Indoor Toxins that affect your health!
The average home today contains more chemicals than were found in a typical chemistry lab at the turn of the century, much of it stored under kitchen and bathroom sink's from bug sprays to detergents to oven cleaners. Most
poisonings happen over a long period of time by daily exposure to toxins that enter
the body through mouth or skin, and significantly, through breathing air
loaded with chemical out-gassing.
In a study conducted over a 15-year period, women who worked at home had a
54 percent higher death rate from cancer than women who worked away from
home. The reason? Daily exposure to hazardous chemicals in ordinary household
What are just some of the toxins the EPA and other researchers found in inside air?
Benzene from paint, new carpet, new drapes and upholstery
Ammonia in tobacco smoke and cleaning supplies
Chloroform from paint, new carpet, new drapes and upholstery
Formaldehyde from tobacco smoke, plywood, cabinets, furniture,
particleboard, office dividers, new carpet, new drapes, wallpaper, etc.
Sulphur dioxide, cyanide, and carbon monoxide from tobacco smoke
Trichlorethylene from paints, glues, furniture and wallpaper
Carbon tetrachloride from paints, new drapes, new carpet and cleaning supplies
Nitrogen dioxide from stoves, furnaces
Radon gas entering through foundations
Pollen from plants and trees
Mold spores from moisture and bacteria
Dust mites from dust and bacteria
Bacteria from all areas of the home Exposure to these chemicals resulted in:
headaches, memory loss, slow poisoning pulmonary irritation, fatigue,
drowsiness, eye, skin and nasal irritation, dizziness, depression, respiratory
irritation, gynecological problems, shortness of breath, cancer and bronchial
For the first time in history, it's safer to be in the wilderness than in your own home.
For pennies a day, add a whole house Air Purifier and Mold Reducer so you can breathe fresh air again!
poisonings happen over a long period of time by daily exposure to toxins that enter
the body through mouth or skin, and significantly, through breathing air
loaded with chemical out-gassing.
In a study conducted over a 15-year period, women who worked at home had a
54 percent higher death rate from cancer than women who worked away from
home. The reason? Daily exposure to hazardous chemicals in ordinary household
What are just some of the toxins the EPA and other researchers found in inside air?
Benzene from paint, new carpet, new drapes and upholstery
Ammonia in tobacco smoke and cleaning supplies
Chloroform from paint, new carpet, new drapes and upholstery
Formaldehyde from tobacco smoke, plywood, cabinets, furniture,
particleboard, office dividers, new carpet, new drapes, wallpaper, etc.
Sulphur dioxide, cyanide, and carbon monoxide from tobacco smoke
Trichlorethylene from paints, glues, furniture and wallpaper
Carbon tetrachloride from paints, new drapes, new carpet and cleaning supplies
Nitrogen dioxide from stoves, furnaces
Radon gas entering through foundations
Pollen from plants and trees
Mold spores from moisture and bacteria
Dust mites from dust and bacteria
Bacteria from all areas of the home Exposure to these chemicals resulted in:
headaches, memory loss, slow poisoning pulmonary irritation, fatigue,
drowsiness, eye, skin and nasal irritation, dizziness, depression, respiratory
irritation, gynecological problems, shortness of breath, cancer and bronchial
For the first time in history, it's safer to be in the wilderness than in your own home.
For pennies a day, add a whole house Air Purifier and Mold Reducer so you can breathe fresh air again!
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Why should you switch to SAFE Cleaners
The Natural Health Magazine reports there is a definite health connection to the hazardous chemicals in your home. Here are five prime examples:
a) All Purpose Cleaners (such as Fantastik or Formula 409): Many popular household cleaning solultions like Fantastik & Formula 409 contain a synthetic solvent and grease cutter called butyl cellosolve. This hazardous petroleum-based chemical can irritate your skin and eyes, and repeated exposure to it can cause permanent liver and kidney damage, and impair the body's ability to replenish blood supplyHealthy Alternative of Choice... Shaklee Basic-H All-Purpose Cleaner
b) Bathroom or Countertop Cleaners (such as Ajax or Comet): Traditional scouring cleansers like Ajax & Comet contain crystalline silica, an eye, skin and lung irritant, classified as "reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen" by the National Institute of Environmental Health Science. Chlorine, commonly used, is also extremely harmful to the respiratory system.Healthy Alternative of Choice... Shaklee At-Ease Scouring Cleaner
c) Glass Cleaners (such as Windex or Glass Plus): Window cleaning sprays like Windex & Glass Plus contain ammonia, a suffocating gas, irritating to the eyes and respiratory tract. Many like Windex and Glass Plus, contain butyl cellosolve, a NEUROTOXIN that's easily absorbed through the skin.Healthy Alternative of Choice... Shaklee Basic-H All Purpose Cleaner
d) Laundry Detertent (such as Tide, All, Gain, Dash, etc.): Most well known powders like Tide, All, Gain & Dash contain corrosives that can burn the eyes and skin. Other chemicals include sodium bisulfate (a corrosive that can cause severe eye, skin and respiratory irritation), ethoxylated alcohols (which may contain I-4-dioxane, which is "reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen.)Healthy Alternative of choice... Shaklee Basic-L Liquid Laundry Concentrate
e) Dishwashing Detergent (such as Cascade, Sun Light, etc.): Two of the best selling brands of automatic dishwashing detergents, Cascade & Sun Light, contain phosphates and chlorine - two extremely toxic chemicals. Phosphates released into the environment rob lakes and ponds of oxygen, leading to the suffocation of aquatic plants and animals. Chlorine fumes are highly irritating to the eye, throat and respiratory tract. Inhaling them can cause headaches, burning eyes, and breathing difficulties. Healthy Alternative of choice... Shaklee Basic-D Dishwashing Concentrate
Avoid using Antibacterial Soaps that make you SLUGGISH! Triclosan, a key chemical ingredient in anti-bacterial detergents and soaps, is thought to suppress thyroid hormone metabolism. When your metabolic rate drops, you feel sluggish because your body is not as efficient at turning food into energy. Shaklee Cleaners DO NOT contain triclosan. Use Basic-H in your bath... Use Basic-H to wash your dishes.... Use Basic-H for general cleaning... Don't delay any longer... change brands to Shaklee... save money by doing so... and
Buy these safe cleaning products online and SAVE...
a) All Purpose Cleaners (such as Fantastik or Formula 409): Many popular household cleaning solultions like Fantastik & Formula 409 contain a synthetic solvent and grease cutter called butyl cellosolve. This hazardous petroleum-based chemical can irritate your skin and eyes, and repeated exposure to it can cause permanent liver and kidney damage, and impair the body's ability to replenish blood supplyHealthy Alternative of Choice... Shaklee Basic-H All-Purpose Cleaner
b) Bathroom or Countertop Cleaners (such as Ajax or Comet): Traditional scouring cleansers like Ajax & Comet contain crystalline silica, an eye, skin and lung irritant, classified as "reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen" by the National Institute of Environmental Health Science. Chlorine, commonly used, is also extremely harmful to the respiratory system.Healthy Alternative of Choice... Shaklee At-Ease Scouring Cleaner
c) Glass Cleaners (such as Windex or Glass Plus): Window cleaning sprays like Windex & Glass Plus contain ammonia, a suffocating gas, irritating to the eyes and respiratory tract. Many like Windex and Glass Plus, contain butyl cellosolve, a NEUROTOXIN that's easily absorbed through the skin.Healthy Alternative of Choice... Shaklee Basic-H All Purpose Cleaner
d) Laundry Detertent (such as Tide, All, Gain, Dash, etc.): Most well known powders like Tide, All, Gain & Dash contain corrosives that can burn the eyes and skin. Other chemicals include sodium bisulfate (a corrosive that can cause severe eye, skin and respiratory irritation), ethoxylated alcohols (which may contain I-4-dioxane, which is "reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen.)Healthy Alternative of choice... Shaklee Basic-L Liquid Laundry Concentrate
e) Dishwashing Detergent (such as Cascade, Sun Light, etc.): Two of the best selling brands of automatic dishwashing detergents, Cascade & Sun Light, contain phosphates and chlorine - two extremely toxic chemicals. Phosphates released into the environment rob lakes and ponds of oxygen, leading to the suffocation of aquatic plants and animals. Chlorine fumes are highly irritating to the eye, throat and respiratory tract. Inhaling them can cause headaches, burning eyes, and breathing difficulties. Healthy Alternative of choice... Shaklee Basic-D Dishwashing Concentrate
Avoid using Antibacterial Soaps that make you SLUGGISH! Triclosan, a key chemical ingredient in anti-bacterial detergents and soaps, is thought to suppress thyroid hormone metabolism. When your metabolic rate drops, you feel sluggish because your body is not as efficient at turning food into energy. Shaklee Cleaners DO NOT contain triclosan. Use Basic-H in your bath... Use Basic-H to wash your dishes.... Use Basic-H for general cleaning... Don't delay any longer... change brands to Shaklee... save money by doing so... and
Buy these safe cleaning products online and SAVE...
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Coumadin side effects... what's a person to do?
This is a story about a lady who had been on Coumadin for 4 years. She caught an intestinal virusa nd was hospitalized. Her blood vessels were so thin from the medication that her vessels became thin and brittle and she bled through her bowels.
When she got out of the hospital, she wanted off her medications. The daugher called
Martha Wilmore and asked how to do it safely. Martha wanted mom to get her
Dr to help with this process, but he refused. Here is her story...
June 1, 2005
This is the list of things I told you about:
I spoke with a lady who deals with this all the time and is medically professional. (Martha Wilmore) This is what she suggested to me:
Start with:
Soy protein - once a day
Physique - once a day
Vita Lea 2 daily ( I take one in the morning and one in the evening_
Calcium/Magnesium - 6 daily ( I take these 2 three times a day)
Opti-Flora - 1 pearl a day for 10 days then add the powder 1/8 tsp (This can go in the protein drink)
Carotomax - 1 daily
Flavomax - 2 daily
Drink lots of PURIFIED water After 14 days I eliminated all other medication that I was on. My blood test (PT) is due next week. I will know then how this is working.
I took the above for 10 days with lesser doses of the coumidin - decreasing it slowly.
At the end of 10 days I added:
2 Vitamin E
4 Garlic
4 Alfalfa
2 Mental Acuity (Ginkgo Bilbo)
2 CO Q Heart
6 Omega 3 (2 each meal)
I had difficulty with the 6 omega 3 due to the after taste and burping, so I have chosen to try the Cholesterol Regulation Complex.
I felt led of the Lord to get off my medication because I was having so many things changing for the worse within me. I know what he gave us to use will work with no side effects.
I am feeling fine so far and trust the Lord that I will be 100% without the medications.
January 29, 2006 Daughter visits her Mom, she is doing fantastic! She never went back on any medications.
Editors Note: This is just one option.. everybody has to decide for themselves what they should or shouldn't do. This post is for information only. It's not meant to dignose, treat or prevent any disease. You can find the products she used in this story online: CLICK HERE
When she got out of the hospital, she wanted off her medications. The daugher called
Martha Wilmore and asked how to do it safely. Martha wanted mom to get her
Dr to help with this process, but he refused. Here is her story...
June 1, 2005
This is the list of things I told you about:
I spoke with a lady who deals with this all the time and is medically professional. (Martha Wilmore) This is what she suggested to me:
Start with:
Soy protein - once a day
Physique - once a day
Vita Lea 2 daily ( I take one in the morning and one in the evening_
Calcium/Magnesium - 6 daily ( I take these 2 three times a day)
Opti-Flora - 1 pearl a day for 10 days then add the powder 1/8 tsp (This can go in the protein drink)
Carotomax - 1 daily
Flavomax - 2 daily
Drink lots of PURIFIED water After 14 days I eliminated all other medication that I was on. My blood test (PT) is due next week. I will know then how this is working.
I took the above for 10 days with lesser doses of the coumidin - decreasing it slowly.
At the end of 10 days I added:
2 Vitamin E
4 Garlic
4 Alfalfa
2 Mental Acuity (Ginkgo Bilbo)
2 CO Q Heart
6 Omega 3 (2 each meal)
I had difficulty with the 6 omega 3 due to the after taste and burping, so I have chosen to try the Cholesterol Regulation Complex.
I felt led of the Lord to get off my medication because I was having so many things changing for the worse within me. I know what he gave us to use will work with no side effects.
I am feeling fine so far and trust the Lord that I will be 100% without the medications.
January 29, 2006 Daughter visits her Mom, she is doing fantastic! She never went back on any medications.
Editors Note: This is just one option.. everybody has to decide for themselves what they should or shouldn't do. This post is for information only. It's not meant to dignose, treat or prevent any disease. You can find the products she used in this story online: CLICK HERE
Sunday, January 29, 2006
All Purpose H... Testimonials

“We live on a farm, and we love the fact that all Purpose H General Cleaner works so well on grease. Plus, it's very economical and easy on the skin. It's essential to do all we can to protect the environment of this country, and I feel it can be done with all Purpose H.”
Paul Stump
Master Coordinator, Ohio
“Forty-one years ago, my wife and I started our business with two bottles of All Purpose H. It was a multipurpose cleaner, and it was biodegradable, so we had a lot to talk about. Today we sell All Purpose H for its multipurpose uses — general-purpose household cleaner, washing your car — it's excellent.”
Al Hegerman
Master Coordinator, Minnesota
Barefoot in the Garden-Shaklee Distributor BUY ONLINE HERE
Tuesday, January 24, 2006

I am forwarding a list of other medications that currently use PPA. These medicines are supposedly being recalled. Pharmaceutical companies have known about this danger for years, we unfortunately, did not. I urge you to review the list of medicines with PPA and avoid these medications.
All drugs containing PHENYLPROPANOLAMINE are being recalled.
You may want to try calling the 800 number listed on most
drug boxes and inquire about a REFUND Please read this
CAREFULLY. Also, please pass this on to everyone you know.
STOP TAKING anything containing this ingredient. It has been
linked to increased hemorrhagic stroke (bleeding in brain)
among women ages 18-49 in the three days after starting use
of medication. Problems were not found in men, but the FDA
recommended that everyone (even children) seek alternative
The following medications contain Phenylpropanolamine:
Acutrim Diet Gum Appetite Suppressant
Acutrim Plus Dietary Supplements
Acutrim Maximum Strength Appetite Control
Alka-Seltzer Plus Children's Cold Medicine Effervescent
Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold medicine (cherry or or ange)
Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold Medicine Original
Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold & Cough Medicine Effervescent
Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold & Flu Medicine
Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold & Sinus Effervescent
Alka Seltzer Plus Night-Time Cold Medicine
BC Allergy Sinus Cold Powder
BC Sinus Cold Powder
Comtrex Flu Therapy & Fever Relief
Day & Night Contac 12-Hour Cold Capsules
Contac 12 Hour Caplets
Coricidin D Cold, Flu & Sinus
Dexatrim Caffeine Free
Dexatrim Extended Duration
Dexatrim Gelcaps
Dexatrim Vitamin C/Caffeine Free
Dimetapp Cold & Allergy Chewable Tablets
Dimetapp Cold & Cough Liqui-Gels
Dimetapp DM Cold & Cough Elixir
Dimetapp Elixir
Dimetapp 4 Hour Liquid Gels
Dimetapp 4 Hour Tablets
Dimetapp 12 Hour Extentabs Tablets
Naldecon DX Pediatric Drops
Permathene Mega-16
Robitussin CF
Tavist-D 12 Hour Relief of Sinus & Nasal
Triaminic DM Cough Rel! ief
Triaminic Expectorant Chest & Head
Triaminic Syrup ! ! Cold & amp;am p; Allergy
Triaminic Triaminicol Cold & Cough .....
I just found out and called the 800# on the container
for Triaminic and they informed me that they are voluntarily
recalling the following medicines because of a certain
ingredient that is causing strokes and seizures in children:
Orange 3D Cold & Aller! gy Cherry (Pink)
3D Cold & Cough Berry
3D Cough Relief Yellow 3D Expectorant
They are asking you to call them at 800-548-3708 with
the lot number on the box so they can send you postage for you
to send it back to them, and they will also issue you a
refund. If you know of anyone else with small children,
To confirm these findings please take time to check the
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